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Important Pickup and Dropoff News

Important Pickup and Dropoff News

AM Drop-Off Information

  • Car rider drop off is from 7:40-7:55 am each day and occurs at the front entrance of Jean McNair Elementary School.
  • Children WILL NOT be allowed to enter the building prior 7:40.  Please keep your child in the car until a staff member appears to open the front doors.
  • Doors will lock and school will begin at 8:00.  If you arrive at 8:00 or later, please come inside to the Main Office to sign your child in.
  • If your child requires help to exit the vehicle, please park in the parking lot and walk your child to door A.
  • The parking lot has been clearly marked DROP OFF ZONE along the sidewalk for DROP OFF ONLY.  The outer lane is to be used for through-traffic and for departing after you’ve dropped your child off ONLY.  (Please refrain from dropping off your child in the through traffic lane).
  • For the safety of ALL children, please drive attentively for the safety of everyone in our school community.  Cell phone use is not permitted in school zones or parking lots.If your child intends to purchase breakfast at school, please arrive at school no later than 7:50 am and by 8:50 am on Tuesdays to allow them time to eat.

After School Pick-Up

  • The  school day ends at 3:00 for walkers and students getting picked up, while bus students are dismissed at 3:05pm.
  • Your child will exit the front of the building and enter your vehicle that is waiting in the DROP OFF only lane.  Once your child is safely in your vehicle, you may pull into the through line of traffic and exit the parking lot nearest the playground.
  • Parents who wish to park in the parking lot, instead of waiting in the pick-up line, should exit their vehicle and walk to the front sidewalk to meet their student on the sidewalk and then walk together back to their vehicle.  This is for the safety of ALL individuals and to keep our line moving quickly.
  • For the safety of ALL children, please drive attentively for the safety of our school community.   Cell phone use is not permitted in school zones or parking lots.